Qudsiah Khan (USA)
height/bodyweight: 160 cm / 75 kg
date of birth: 10.12.1982
date of next competition: May, 24
best competition results: 100-47.5-125 kg, RAW
Training video.
Technique advice from Boris Sheiko:
Squat – your back is leaning forward when going down, it may lead to red lights on comp because of depth.
Benchpress – good, just one advice – do a little pause for a first rep, other reps – without pause. Also I recommend you expand your grip +1 thickness of a finger from each side. Also try to work on your arch. You should put your feet as close to your shoulders as possible. Try do it smoothly, cm by cm.
Deadlift – Qudsiah, I suggest you to change conventional stance to sumo. I don’t like style you have now. Try to do sumo deadlift off boxes (according to your plan) and show me the video. Sice next week we will do all deadlifts in sumo style. I will decrease weights because of this. In the end of next week we will see which style is better for you. On Saturday when you finish deadlift off boxes load just 50 kg on barbell and do 4reps x 3 sets from the platform. Do it easy and calm. It is light weight but don’t snatch the barbell do it smoothly. At the start position butt should be higher than kness, shoulders should be straight above the barbell. Before you start lifting – stretch you arms, don’t snatch the barbell. Barbell should touch your shins then hips. It is important. Send me video and I will correct your technique.