Meet my new book! 600 pages about bench press!
It has to be released at the end of this summer. The book is in Russian.
Bench Press
For athletes of all skill levels and physical abilities, coaches, and fans powerlifting.
Boris Sheiko (600 pages with pictures)
The book outlines the modern theory and methodology of one competitive powerlifting exercise – the bench press.
The book is based on a scientific analysis of the bench press and includes the author’s research in the field of powerlifting, training programs of athletes of different levels of preparedness, guidelines for planning the training of beginners to masters (including disabled athletes), as well as samples of approximate and individual programs which have become widely known throughout the world.
This monograph will be useful for athletes and powerlifting fans who want to expand their knowledge in the field of sports, especially in the bench press; as well as for students, teachers of higher educational institutions of physical culture and sports, coaches, and for a wide range of interested readers.
The main thematic blocks:
– History of the powerlifting world
– Basic concepts and terms
– Classification of exercises
– Biomechanics of the bench press, sports equipment and technical preparedness of athletes
– Basic techniques for athletes with disabilities
– Methods of teaching motor actions, including the bench press
– Equipment and technical means in powerlifting
– The history of the use of means and methods in planning an individual design