August 04, 2020, 07:41:17 AM

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Messages - clay

Pages: [1]
As at the first week of 32v2, I've realised a 5% increase on my squat, but failed the 105% attempts on my deadlift and bench. I probably would have made ~2% increases on the bench and pull, but went for the 5%. I'm convinced that the failure to improve my bench and deadlift is because, at my level, I should have ran the CMS 4-day program, which is my mistake. As I understand it, the 4-day basically adds another deadlift and bench day, which would make up the volume needed to have improved those lifts. I still have the comp coming up in 3 weeks so there's still time to make those improvements, which I hope to do on the day when it counts.

Either way, I'm really surprised and happy with the results. I was skeptical that such low intensity/RPE sets would spur improvement. But the technical improvements alone make it worthwhile. Thanks, Sheiko, Rob, Ben, and everyone else who made the spreadsheets available and helped out along the way.

Thanks, mate. Appreciate the answer.

Apologies if this has been answered. I did browse the thread but may have missed it.

For the over 80 kg, 3 day program, cycle #31, in week 3 day 1 for the squat it goes:

50% x 5 x 1
60% x 5 x 1
70% x 3, 7, 4, 6, 2 x 1

The 70% pyramid set equates to 22 reps, but cell G112 lists 35 (NL). I'm not sure which cell is incorrect: the pyramid numbers (D112) or the NL cell (G112)? I'm guessing the pyramid numbers are wrong because week 1 day 1 has a similar pyramid set with 70% and it's for a total of 27 reps. Knowing Sheiko likes weeks 1 & 3 to be the highest volume, and assuming more volume was meant for week 3, I'm guessing the pyramid numbers (cell D112) are off in week 3 day 1?

What needs to be corrected? Thanks.

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